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Arturia 3 Preamps Filters Compressors ((FULL))

France-based modelling experts Arturia have launched Arturia 3 Preamps & Filters & Compressors. Users will be able to experience the legendary tone and character of 3 historic preamps, as well as the unique sonic flavor of 3 iconic analog filters and 3 vintage-style compressors.

Arturia 3 Preamps Filters Compressors

The filters are the Mini, the M12 and the SEM, again sporting controls not found on the originals. Both the Mini and SEM offer step-sequencer control, while the M12 sports comprehensive modulation options. That leaves us with the reverbs, compressors and preamps to explore...

Description: French styling experts from Arturia have released exciting new plugins. Users will be able to feel the legendary tone and character of the three historical preamps, as well as the unique sound aroma of 3 iconic analog filters. Designed, emulated and implemented thanks to the passionate, dedicated team of Arturia developers, using its exclusive technology True Analog Emulation, 6 plug-ins sound so good and so rich that they are destined to become your favorite plugins for adding tonal taste, analog drive, filtering, sound design and consistent creativity. 041b061a72


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