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Artists painting and art lovers

Public·8 members

Reverie REPACK

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Kane isn't certain he can trust them, or anyone else for that matter. But that doesn't really matter once a new reverie hits, sweeping Kane and the Others up into a new, catastrophic dream. Kane must figure out who to rely on if he's going to make it out the other side and piece together all the things he's forgotten. For even if a dream seems harmless on the surface, dark secrets and desires may lurk inside its depths.

The really brilliant thing about Reverie is the way that it deftly contains every possible kind of young adult novel, mostly by way of the reveries themselves. We bounce from post apocalyptic horror to Victorian romance to futuristic dystopia, with our characters reluctantly taking up their roles as they struggle to dismantle the reverie. There's a flavor for everyone's taste, and each little world is lovingly crafted and realized. 041b061a72


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